The Lambi Dehar Mines

Mussoorie, best known as ‘The queen of the hills’ attractsthousands tourists throughout the year. But do you know,
that it is also charted amongst the most haunted places in India. From the once haunted Savoy Hotel to the mysterious
forests, Uttarakhand isn’t a stranger to the other world. The Lambi Dehar Mines also known as ‘The Haunted Mines’, also
topsthe chart of spookiest places.

Situated on the outskirts of Mussoorie, these mines form a piece of deserted land where there is no civilization, and that
provides it a spooky aura. The Lambi Dehar mines in Mussoorie has an agony story attached to it which dates back
to the early 1990s . It is said that almost 50,000 people worked in this mine during that time and most of them had an
agonizing death ,by choking blood, due to the improper mining techniques. The place once covered with houses, has
now become a deserted land with trees and shrubs grown. With so much leaves, abandoned houses, the eeriness of this
place will give you chill down the spine.

The local people consider this place as haunted and many incidents stand as testimony to their ghost stories. The
residents around it have witnessed many unusual incidents. Many people have met with fatal road accidents in the area
with cars and trucks going off the road. Even a helicopter got crashed near the mines which add to the mystery of place.
People also have complained about hearing strange noises in the middle of the night when no one is around.

There is also another story where they say that a witch stays here who causes these accidents. She apparently strolls here
at night and some caneven hear her scream.

Now, what is the true story, we cannot say but one thing is for sure, that this place has an uncanny silence. If you have a thing
for paranormal activities and a brave-heart, do venture out to this place!