SHARE A LITTLE BRIEF ABOUT YOURSELF. Hi, I am Shubham Prajapati, An anchor by profession as well as by passion. For me, it has always been great to be on stage facing an audience and engaging them with my conversation. I hail from the beautiful city of Dehradun. Talking about my qualification, I have done bachelor’s in mass communication and journalism, which has surely helped me to learn the art of presenting certain creative or significant information to a large number of people eloquently and responsibly.
SOMETIMES A SINGLE MOMENT CHANGES THE ENTIRE DYNAMICS OF OUR LIFE. SO, WHAT WAS YOUR LIFE-CHANGING MOMENT? While I was working with an event management company, I came across a genuine-hearted person who liked my voice along with my personality. He was a well-known event manager. So, he gave me the opportunity to perform with India’s renowned celebrities.
YOU HAVE SURELY COME A LONG WAY IN THIS FIELD. IF GIVEN A CHANCE, WHAT WOULD YOU TELL YOUR YOUNGER SELF? There is no right or wrong, there is no win or lose. When I was first starting out, I thought there was a “right” way to approach my art and my art business. I felt like all artists knew the way … except for me. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself there is no right or wrong way. Rather, it’s about doing things your way. Had I known this earlier I would have been less troubled about how my work was received and more confident in my vision for my business.
DID YOU FACE ANY HURDLES WHILE PURSUING THIS CAREER? I didn’t find many hurdles in pursuing this career as it’s a part of every industry through its competition and requires flexibility in time and different locations but I have always worked hard for my goals. The art business can be very competitive: whose work is better (art prizes) whose work is selling more. It took me a while to detach myself from the noise.
Shubham Prajapati
WHO IS YOUR INSPIRATION? My inspiration is my dad who worked very hard to bring us here.
WHAT DO YOU FEEL ABOUT YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS? I feel my strengths are: dedication, flexibility, focused Taking Initiative, Honesty, Dedication, Integrity, Continuous Learning. My weaknesses are: Sensitive and Straight forward.
LIFE IS NEVER SMOOTH AS IT SEEMS TO BE. WE ALL GO THROUGH UPS AND DOWNS. SO, HOW DO YOU PUSH THROUGH YOUR WORST TIMES? I believe that the worst time always teaches the best lessons of your life and the right solution is the only key to solving the worst problem.
WHAT KEEPS YOU MOTIVATED TO GIVE YOUR BEST? Everybody needs to have Passion, dedication, and most important is objective which leads you to give your best.
WHAT ARE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS BY FAR? Bringing smiles makes a day out of laughing and making events a big hit, which gives me real pleasure. I feel that they are the real achievements of any human.
WHAT ARE YOUR FUTURE GOALS? I want to set my brand name and successful ventures related to weddings or events which will bring a great revolution in the industry.
WHAT WOULD YOU ADVISE TO SOMEONE JUST STARTING? I believe that you need a vision of what you want to do and the right way with a different perspective.