
Rishikesh is a treasure trove for all the thrill-seekers out there. If you quench that needed Adrenaline Rushing sport, it’s time to head to this holy city, which is much beyond just temples.

Perched at an elevation of 380 meters above sea level Kaudiyala is one such location that is on the Rishikesh-Srinagar-Badrinath route. It is a buzzing hub for adventure seekers. Kaudiyala offers you everything, from river rafting to simply taking a walk in the woods.

This picturesque spot is a grade 4+ rafting stretch, with views of the highlands and the thundering sound of the Daniels Dip, Three Blind Mice, and The Wall rafting rapids. No matter, when you plan your visit to Kaudiyala, be assured to witness nature’s bounty across its vistas. Kaudiyala is equally fun in both the monsoon and winter. It was once a popular rafting and adventure destination only a few years ago. However, as more people seek peaceful getaways in the beautiful Himalayas, Kaudiyala is becoming more of a year-round destination for pleasure and leisure.
Kaudiyala is a fantastic vacation or a weekend getaway spot as you can also enjoy camping here. And if you are someone not very fond of camping, you can opt for other options to stay around Kaudiyala.On the banks of the Ganga, the Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam has a rest house. Other resorts in Kaudiyala village exist in addition to the GMVN Rest House. The Himalayas and the Ganga can both be seen from these hilltop lodges. It’s an unusual location, to be sure.